Internationally curated, delivered locally

Contact Us

Our Customer Service

If you need any assistance with placing an order, if you have a question about The Cool Hunter or if you need any gifting advice, our Customer Services team is on hand to assist you.

Please note we don’t offer trade discount.

We also have a team ready to help you if you’d like more detailed information about one of our products, or have a specific question about the order you have placed online. They are available from 10:00 – 5:30pm, Monday to Saturday (GMT+10).

Features & Products

TCH stays relevant, fresh and interesting to its vast audience because we showcase content generally not published elsewhere. We also always write our own copy and do not copy and paste from media releases. We work hard to make the site worth our readers’ and followers’ time.

Conversely, this means that if you would like us to consider covering your product/idea/design on TCH, please submit high-resolution images with all the relevant factual information (who, what, when, where, how & why). early. However, if you plan to send the information at the same time to other sites and/or magazines/publications, we will not cover it. Exclusivity is what matters to us.

We do not feature photographers, art galleries, art exhibitions, books, films, event listings, e-commerce stores, iPad/iPhone apps, kickstarter projects, online/offline magazines or design competitions. If you are interested in partnerships or sponsorships please refer to our advertising page.

If you would like to submit a product for review, please email us the information first (images and facts). If it is something we might consider, we will email you an address where you should ship relevant samples. We do not post based on visuals alone.

If you know of anything interesting we should know about, send us an email to [email protected].